Sunday, October 3, 2010


Skeletal system is not only the framework of our body. It also has a lot of functions such as its provides protection, allows movement, produces blood cells , stores minerals, and it also helps us to breathe.

It can be classified in to four types; long bones, short bones, flat bones and irregular bones.

Bone tissue has two types compact which are found in the outer layer of the body while Spongy are lined with endosteum.

Cells are nedeed in the formation and growth of bones.

There are 4 types of cells.

  • osteoprogenitor- formed in the periosteum, endosteum and central cell

  • osteoblast-cells that actually form bones

  • osteocytes-originally osteoblats sorround with fat

  • osteoclast- tears down bown material.

Joints connects bones to bones it also allows movements. It has three structures namely Fibrous, Cartilage ans Synovial. Synovial can be furtherly divided into & types;

  • Saddle- rocks up and down and side and side

  • Candyloid-one place to another but no rotation

  • Ellipsoidal-two axes of movement

  • Pivot joints-rotates

  • Ball and socket-rotation

  • Hinge-open and close

  • Gliding-back and forth

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