Monday, November 22, 2010

Integumentary System

Our integumentary systems has a lot of function in our body such as:
  • it protects from invasion of disease producing pathogens
  • keeps the body from drying out
  • acts as a storage for fatty tissue
  • produces vitamin D
  • provides sensory input
  • regulates body temperature

The mani organ of the integumentary system is the skin, which is the largest oragan it has 3 layers namely.

  1. Epidermis- made up of 5-6 layers
  2. Dermis-also known as corium or tue skin
  3. Sucutaneos Fascia-hypodermis,contains fat

Dermis contains 2 sweat glands, Apocrine and Eccrine

appocrine-secretes at the fair follicles of groins and anal regions as weel as armpits.

eccrine-regulate body temperature.

Integumentary system also includes the Nails and Hair.

Disorders of the Skeletal System

Disorders of the Integumentary System

  1. Abrasion-mechanically scraping away a portion of the skin's layer.
  2. Acne-oversecretion of sebum
  3. Atlehete's Foot-occurs in areas of contionous moisture.
  4. Bed Sore-lack of blood flow to skin that has pressure applied.
  5. Boil-acute inflammantory
  6. Cold Sore-fever blister, herpes simplex virus.
  7. Dermititis-inflammatory process caused by irritants
  8. Eczema-duperficial form of dermititis.
  9. Hives-allergic reaction produces reddened patches.
  10. Psoriaris-circular borders.
  11. Scabies-caused by egg-laying mites.
  12. Shingles-inflammatory condition onvolves nervous system.
  13. Skin Cancer- has alot of types some of them are :
  • Squamous cell carcinoma-develops depeer into the tissue
  • Basal cell carcinoma-can be succesfully treated
  • Malignant Melanoma- most serious and least sucessfully treated

Skeletal System Diseases

  • Kyphosis- humpback, thorax
  • Lordosis-swayback, usually in the lumbar region
  • Scoliosis -sideways bend and sway in the spinal column
  • Calcification-hardening of cartilage
  • Arthritis-inflammatory process of the joints
  • Osteoporosis-condition decreasing bone density.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Muscular dicseases are dived into two catogories namely


disease under MUCOSKELETAL are:

a. Myalgia- pain or tenderness in a muscle.
b.Fibromyalgia-aches, pains and muscle stiffness of analomical region.
-affects woman under 40
c.Ataxia-irregular action/ lack of coordination.
d.Paralysis-complete or partial loss of muscle function.
-damage in the lower spinal cord.
e.Spasm/Cramps-prolonged contraction of the muscle.
f. Sprains-breaks or tears ligaments.
g.Strains-breaks or tears tendons.
h.Shin Splints-inflammantory condition of the lower leg.
i.Hernia-occurs when there is tear in th muscle wall.
j.Tendinitis-tendons are inflammed.

NEUROMUSCULAR DISEASE is due to the association of nevous and muscular system.

a.Myasthenia Gravis-increasing muscle weakness
b.Muscular Dystrophy-muscle fiber degenerate
-progressive muscle weakness.
c.Guillan-Barre Syndrome-loss of reflexes
d.Tetanus-muscle go into major spasm