Monday, April 11, 2011


carriers og nutrients, gases and waste.

2 parts

  1. Plasma

  2. Formed elements

  • Red blood Cells

  • Platelets

  • White Blood Cells

White Blood Cell :

  1. Polymorphonuclear granulocytes

  • Neutrophils - immune defense

  • Eosinophils - defense against parasites

  • Basophils - involved with allergic reaction

2. mononuclear cells

  • Monocytes - immune defense (phagocytes)

  • Lymphocytes - unique cells


Lungs has lobes 3 on the right and two on left because of the pressence of the heart.
Saclike respiratory organs in most vertebrates, occupying the chest cavity together with the heart and functioning to remove carbon dioxide from the blood and provide it with oxygen.
Has two parts bronchioles-branching tubes, and alveoli-air sacs in which gas exchanbge occurs

Blood Vessel

Artery/Arteioless- brings deoxygenated blood to the heart Vein/Venules-brings oxygenated blood to the heart Capillaries-exhange of blood happens


External Structure of the eye :

  • coneshaped cavity formed by the skull

  • houses and proteck the eyeball

  • padded with faty tissue

  • cushions and protects the eye from injury

Lacrimal apparatus-produces and stores tears

Lacrimal GLand-produces and transport tears

Conjuctiva-protective membrane

Internal Structures of the Eye:

  • aqueous- water humor, bathes the iris, pupil, and lens, fill the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye

  • Vitrous humor- clear, jelly-like fluid, occupies the entire eye cavity behind the lens

Eye Ball:

  1. Sciera- outermost layer, tough fibrous tissue, protective shield, white of the eye, contains the cornea

  2. Choroid- highly vascularized and pigmented

  3. Retina- contains the nerve endings


The main function of the ear is responsible for hearing and maintaining our equilibrum or sense of balance. Structure of the Ear

  • External ear- outer projection, has many shapes or sizes.

  1. Pinna/Auricle- collectcs and directs sound waves

  2. Auditory canal- contains cerumen

  3. Eardrum- ends the external ear

  • Middle ear- space that contains the smallest bone of the body

3 bones

  1. Hammer/malleus

  2. Anvil/incus

  3. Stirrup/stapes

Eustachian- allow for air pressure on either side of the eardrum to be equalized

  • Inner ear

  1. Cochlea-bony spiral

  2. Vestibule chamber-internal ear

  3. semicircular


Heart is the main organ of the Cardiovascular System.

It isa the same size as your fist.

It is sorrouded by a serous, fibrous pericardium.

  • outer layer-fibrous pericardium

  • Inside parietal

Heart Wall

  • visceral pericardium- epicardium

  • middle layer- myocardium

  • lining of the heart-endocardium